Feb 4Liked by Tzivia Gover

Hi Tzivia,

Not sure how I got this email, I'm guessing it is something from the pre-pandemic Writing Room at the Forbes. I wondered what app you were using until I had to re-verify myself for security persons and saw that it was substack. With regard to Evernote, it seems like you really liked it and used it alot so why not bite the bullet and pay? You would be able to continue to use it for your old and new work but with expanded capabilities due paid users. The creators while maybe like media artists are like artisans/craftsmen with copyrights like other creative people and should benefit from their work.

Anyway, hope you're well and happy.

Take good care of yourself


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Feb 3Liked by Tzivia Gover

I loved so many lines here, I want to read this again. In the meantime, this line especially stayed with me: "...lets my curious, creative, often chaotic, and blissfully unconstrained mind indulge its predilection for perambulation." What a melodic and lovely lyrical train ride arriving at alliteration!

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